Thursday, 3 December 2020

Success - The How Explained with Orbital Theory

Orbitals -The Sub-atomic Domain

Progress is irrevocably linked to man’s restless mind, his relentless attempt to find verifiable logic to everything seen and unseen, experienced and even remotely experienceable, visualisable or hardly visualisable. It is this ‘search-continuum’ that has helped humankind imagine, postulate, define, explain, test and prove or disprove anything and everything.

The cathode-ray tube experiments of JJ Thomson in 1897 and discovery of electrons paved way for quantum leaps in research in the domain of subatomic particles. But it took many years of proving and disproving different hypotheses to explain behaviour of atoms in relation to its structure. Scientists, for now seem to agree on ‘energy-level’ based allocation of electrons to s, p d and f orbitals.

Interestingly, even behaviour of both successful and unsuccessful individuals, can be explained by an analogy of the ‘s, p d, f ‘architecture they operate from.

Orbital theory for success and failure?

Orbital Structure

In order to appreciate how the orbital structure enables success or failure, it is imperative to understand its structure and interlinkages.

Imagine a balloon filled with air. If it is held tight anywhere, the balloon becomes two inter connected lobes. Sliding the ‘hold’ up or down, allowing movement of air changes the size of the lobes. Imagine innumerable such ‘controllable’ twin lobed balloons bundled together in a tight pack. This collection of many lobes is f orbital, the workhorses that decide success or failure.

Depending upon requirements air needs to be pumped in or drained out of each lobe. d orbital is the, distribution network enabling linking of innumerable f lobes. To persist with the requisite pressure for ‘as long as required’, an intricate interconnected valve system is required. p orbital does that job. The entire system needs to be monitored and controlled. This requires an intricate sensory command and control mechanism connected to each lobe, the distribution network and each valve. The s orbital manages tis entire system.

The four orbitals are intricately and intimately interlinked, in a mutually nourishing or degrading embrace, functional efficiency of each linked directly to the other three.

Modus Operandi

Every aspect of human thought has a contra part. Fear and courage, apprehension and aspiration, despair and hope, suspicion and trust are few such pairs out of innumerable such possibilities. 

If fear dominates courage, the fear-courage lobe, actions of the individual are likely to be manifestations of fear. If the negative lobes are minimised, the corresponding positive lobes become predominant. Absence of negatives can make humans reckless and cruel. Nature, by default, configures negatives marginally dominant over positives making us cautious and improving chances of survival. This natural bias can be reprogrammed through deliberate self-affirmations over a period of time.

Fuelling Strategies

f orbital is the primary ingredient to scripting both success and failure. It senses opportunities and threats and transforms them into varied stimuli triggering appropriate responses. At rudimentary levels f orbital controls reflexes. But evolved, it fuels aspirations, feed dreams, create attitudes and dictate behavioural strengths and weaknesses.

Fear is a natural stimulus that can freeze physical and mental responses, but it also stimulates fight and flight responses. Uncontrolled fear has disastrous consequences, but if managed well, fear fuels strategies to confront, contain, control and conquer obstacles. Choices, the ‘f’ orbital residents, dictate operational strategies. Choice is the key.

Choice of fortitude over fear, faith over fatalism, resolve over vacillation, 

hope of success over fear of failure’ scripts success. Deeply intertwined with other orbitals, the f orbital nourishes or destroys depending upon how it is charged, recharged and conditioned. That is why, it is important to create enriching and reinforcing environment to ensure success.

This orbital also concerns with the skills, competence and expertise. In an environment of intense competition, being skilled and competent may not suffice. It may call for mastering the art of adaptation and skills in application of acquired competencies. f orbital facilitates it. Favourably developed f orbitals like the bigger balloon lobes help enlarge and extend the envelope of relevance and reverence.

Rooted in the conscious mind, f orbital is the foundation for success because all options consciously generated reside in this orbital.

Determination Strategies

Life is neither a sprint nor a collection of sprints. It is an endless gruelling marathon, a test bed of determination, unique to each individual. Success in life is not about a single victory or a series of short-term gains but about meticulously planned and unflinchingly executed long-term strategies. This is what determination is all about. Determination dictates intense commitment. d orbital defines the determination quotient of an individual. 

This network orbital can be primed to pump and make positive lobes dominant, minimise negativities and help overcome obstacles.

Resolve influences choices and therefore outcomes. It is most evident in the most trying of circumstances. d orbital determination helps, easily overcome short term losses and restrict impact of grievous setbacks. and helps accept and overcome setbacks better. Over time, determination becomes characteristic of the individual, permanently modifying choices made consciously. d orbital activities are dictated by the quality of the preconscious – conscious exchanges.

Persistence Strategies

Persistence is the ability to stay on course despite turbulences and obstacles. Determination spurts don’t define persistence. it is a trait. Persistence impacts determination through longevity of commitment regardless of setbacks and ensures momentum. An individual’s persistence quotient is defined by his /her p orbital architecture.

Like the valve system on the distribution network connected to the lobes, p orbital maintains the thrust, for as long as required preventing fatigue, loss of interest and sense of defeat in case of setbacks. Configured in tandem and continually communicating amongst themselves at the subconscious levels, f, d and p orbitals have significant influence on each other. In sync, they enrich one another and positively influence outcomes, but in dissonance, become malignant cumulatively eroding success probabilities.

The pre-conscious mind, waiting room for the conscious to call from, is the predominant master of this orbital. Drawing from the subconscious, p orbital continuously upgrades the quality of its asset holding helping the individual become persistent. If powerful assets can be drawn up fast from the subconscious, persistence thrives, determination blooms and success become routine.

Sustenance Strategies

Competencies, f orbital ingredients, aided by ‘commitment-intensity’, of d orbital kept alive by ‘commitment-longevity’ of p orbital become reflexes and help overcome challenges and savour success. But to convert isolated events of success into recurring events and transform it into winning as a habit, needs synergies within. The s orbital, like the sensor control system facilitates this process.

The s orbital is the strategizing domain and works extensively from the subconscious. Thus, it is important to address the subconscious assets to strengthen this orbital. Besides good memories, old emotional or physical traumas, failures, losses, pain, apprehensions fear and such debilitating attributes are stored in the subconscious. Although rooted amidst very potent inhibitors of the subconscious fortunately s orbital can be trained to operate without being adversely affected. Positive self-assertions precisely do that. Inputs from the s orbital permeates into every other orbital activity and decides their qualitative output.

The Bond

The four orbitals are irrevocably intertwined and feed and feed off each other. The ability to learn from past failures, block out negative thoughts and belief that success is possible is the first requirement. It will lead to persistence in determined efforts and success for sure. Having drawn up blueprint for progress, if an individual deliberately addresses the orbital architecture and internalises the requisite attributes, success is forgone conclusion, winning a habit and happiness a companion.