Saturday 23 May 2020


Shades of Grey

We grew up with, for long in existence, binaries like, ‘yes, no’, ‘right, wrong’, ‘good, bad’, ‘kind, cruel’ and ‘friend, enemy’ etc. "With Us, Against Us" is a binary that took birth in US during the first Gulf war but is gaining currency, as political systems world over turns authoritarian. Binaries represent a judgmental choice or decision. Between the two finite elements of binaries, exist large swathes of neither, often referred to as ‘shades of grey’ that is either laboured on or ignored before arriving at conclusions. Though decisions appear merely as choice between the two sentinels of a binary, for the conscientious many a dilemma needs to be conquered and compromises made enroute to reach either.

“To be or not to be”

Decisions in life threatening situations are indeed instantaneous. The brain automatically carries out extensive high-speed scan of the situation in light of the knowledge already acquired, weighing innumerable permutations and combinations to reach ‘split second’ decisions. Choices in such ‘fight or flight’ binaries thus appear naturally as our reflex. However, sound strategic decisions emerge after deliberate scan of areas between the binary generating multitude of options, providing countless binaries to choose from and evaluating consequences of each of the choices generated. Farsighted decisions are consequences of exploring regions beyond ‘visible’ binaries. The Shakespearean soliloquy “To be or not to be"[1] beautifully captures this flux.

Non-Linear Decisions

Solving a single-variable mathematical linear equation is easy. Solution to equations with three or more variables, involves complex elimination processes. Nonlinear equations exist on a different plane. Real life situations are neither linear nor have limited variables. Countless variables, most upfront and chaff, some predictable others unpredictable, several that preclude elimination, many random and vacillating, few invisible and others cloaked daggers, knotted into complex relationships, influenced by apprehensions, ego, fear and misunderstandings, masquerade as ‘decision-situations’.  Survival quality of life and progress, finally is the outcome of the choices made.


Even at the basic level of human existence such complex situations exist. Many are content to live out their daily lives through a series of binary decisions, conditioned by biases and survival tools imbibed as they grow. Such decisions conform to existing social norms and merely add volume. Higher the level of operation, longer the time span covered and larger the number of people involved, risks and unpredictability associated grows exponentially. Impact of the ‘binary’ adopted in such cases may affect the decision maker, those around and even the society at large.

Despite the risks involved, a few dare to tread the untrodden, taking decisions incongruent with common perception and beyond others’ comprehension. Such paths are packed with innumerable obstacles and inundated with pestering chatter of naysayers. Yet they leap, the leap of faith. Many flounder and few succeed. Those who can visualize uncertainties beyond the horizon succeed in actualizing their dreams; and we call them visionaries.

Investment Risks

Each ‘considered’ decision is a choice between a binary like ‘yes or no’, ‘right or wrong’, etc. Choices derived from calculus of mere visible cause, effect and probability of success under prevailing conditions are short sighted, have minimal risks but returns insignificant little. Choice from a binary in pursuit of an easy way forward seldom begets progress. That is what almost everyone does.

Visionaries on the other hand scan far beyond and deeper than the easily visible and force open new vistas of opportunities. They slice open situations and conditions with an eye on reluctant details and heart beyond the horizon to create new sets of binaries. What may appear as suicidal decisions, to the faint hearted and short sighted, would really be bold steps towards success. The story of Indian steel and Indica sums up journeys beyond easy binaries amidst a crowd of naysayers. In fact, many mega ventures have taken birth only through such audacious moves. The deciding factor is the ability of the individual to scan the large landscape hidden by the obvious.

Organisational Context

Decision dilemmas exist in organisational affairs also. The visible binary ‘approved or Not approved’ in an intra-organisational communication is actually the summation of many aspects unsaid and often influenced. Any decision for that matter would either become component of a greater decision or be the summation of many micro decisions. The credibility of the decision depends on the quality of the input scan made by the decision maker.

Irrespective of what was said and meant, most of us hear and assign motives we want. Trainers world over have regaled audiences with fun filled communication exercises proving this point. Even written words suffer the same fate. How else do lawyers make money? The burden of inference and response rests with the recipient. Thus, decision makers in an organisation needs to keep formal and informal communication free of clutter. When communication is open and transparent, areas required to be considered for decision-making open up truthfully. As the ‘fish-bone’ sketch becomes bigger, decision binaries become inclusive.

In the end, responsibility of the decision rests with the decision maker. No wonder, it is said, “uneasy lies the head, that wears the crown”.

Moral Compass

When human beings make decisions, moral coordinates become relevant. Defining morality however, is an organisational or individual choice.

Organisations must aim to live long unless created for fly-by-night operations. Organisational longevity and social relevance are results of strategic decisions. If strategic decision-makers operate with high levels of morality, they create organisational culture which could transcend generations. Such organisations generally invest heavy on the society.  There are also organisations that openly dabble in the grey without breaking rules. They even offer high returns. However, they don’t evoke venerability the former enjoys.

Individuals, for whom discarding moral compass at will and changing moral coordinates for convenience without remorse, decision to employ ‘hook or crook’ means is justified by the ends achieved and conscience silenced and pacified since “everything is fair in love and war”. Once initiated such techniques become ingrained and natural. If at all, the guilt is felt only once. Their words and actions come from inherent perverted greed that defines their persona. Such people pollute organisational ethos and vitiate the  society they belong to. Some of them notch up spectacular victories, muster coteries and even wield power. But the fact remains, that they sprout and disappear sooner than later.

Slice of Indian History

Many businesses have emerged successful from decisions that can at best be called ‘leaps of faith’. Most of these, owe their origins to ‘leaps’ that defied contemporary logic, survived on dreams and grew passionately nurtured by one or a few. When morality is a non-negotiable component of decision making, organisations flourish and survive centuries, irrespective of the socio-political environment it finds itself in. Tatas[2] are synonymous with this organisational ethos.

The story of Indian steel began in 1882 because Jamsetji Tata took a tremendous leap of faith. The first ingot rolled out in 1912 because Tatas went beyond the visible easy binaries. The first truly Indian Car launched as “more car per car” encountered rough weather. The company is said to have attended to all complaints at no cost to the clients. Tata rebounded with “even more car per car”.  They not only recovered losses but left an indelible mark on the market. It happened because Tatas chose to go beyond easy binaries. They have a tradition of going beyond visible binaries.

There would be and would have been many such organisations and individuals across India and world over who dared to see beyond the visible binaries.


Every decision, personal or organisational is a choice from a binary. The number of binaries one generates for a given situation, to decide from widens coverage and strengthens decisions. The binaries or choices generated is subjective and depends on the ends[3] envisioned by the decision maker and more predominantly the means considered acceptable. This in turn comes from the philosophy of life internalised by the decision maker, hence the difference in quality of the decision. After all, core of every decision reflects the value system internalised by an individual.

Collective decision making, however democratic it may be, is the result of influence and synergies that operate during decision making. Profits and immediate success entice organisations and individuals to freely dabble in the grey. It is legal too. Moral coordinates are deliberate choices that decision maker adopts himself to abide by.

There’s no definite binary other than ‘dead or alive’. The ambiguity associated with binaries is best illustrated by the countless living-dead we encounter daily and the few who live on, even after death.

[1] "To be or not to be : that is the question…” William Shakespeare Hamlet
[2] The Tata Saga Inspiring Stories from a Timeless Institution
[3] Referenced to Discussions on the subject with Dr Abraham Kuruvilla, a renowned and accomplished counsellor.

Saturday 9 May 2020

From Loneliness To Solitude : A Walk Away

 Choice and Consequence

Violence and depression are not symptoms of Covid. Yet as Covid spread, incidence of depression and domestic violence, reportedly flared across the world. Experts explain these behavioural changes as response to emerging uncertainties. It is said that, prolonged uncertainty triggers anxiety, helplessness and loneliness. Severity of these states depend upon the ability of an individual to handle situations. Human response to external events stream through a ‘thought -emotions- behaviour’ channel, the characteristics of which is primarily dictated by the ‘philosophy of life’ evolved over time and internalised.


Loneliness is a state of existence, where one feels alone and abandoned. An end-state of an event or events, real or perceived, loneliness is the beginning of retreat. It erodes self-esteem and aggravates the reinforcing cycle of anxiety and sense of loss. It decimates interpersonal connections forcing withdrawal into impenetrable cocoons. Loneliness, a silent devastating affliction, is the consequence of an individual’s choice. Though conceded to, brought upon and aggravated by oneself, loneliness is not always a voluntary act. Almost every human being would have experienced loneliness at some point in life. While most of us cope with it and emerge strong, some may require assistance. In fact many a boisterous acts and forced smiles could be masking loneliness.

Solitude is the destination of an inward journey. Deliberate exclusion of external connect and noise facilitates the journey. Yogis have been known to distance themselves from the world in meditation to attain solitude. It is in solitude that we recognise our divine inner-self, gets acquainted with divinity and establish clutter free communication with the creator. Unlike loneliness that ebbs life away, solitude is an empowering act that can culminate in awakening and enlightenment. In solitude we are not alone.

We Are Not Alone

There is a beautiful poem titled “Footprints in the sand[1]” (Posters caption it ‘Footprints”) going around for decades, soothing nerves and motivating people.
The author[2] talks of a man’s dream in which “he was walking along a beach with God”. “As scenes of his life flash in the sky, he notices for each scene, footprints on the beach”, mostly, two sets, but at places just one. He ascribes the two, one to himself and the other to God. Corelating it with life, he realises that the single set of footprints related to the “very lowest and saddest times in his life”. He “questions” God as to “Why when I needed you most, you would leave me?”. God is said to have responded, “…during your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you”.

This moving story has been used by inspirational speakers, spiritual leaders, god-men and god-women to drive home the lesson, “we are not alone”.

Is that the only message?

Delve deeper, beyond the obvious and superficial, pearls of wisdom reveal themselves.

A Walk with God

The poem revolves around a man’s ‘walk and talk’ with the Creator. There is no one else on the beach, but that man and God talking to each other.
When a man believes that he has complete attention of God to himself, it is solitude in its pristine perfect form. Once a connect between the divine and mortal has been established, the mortal is awakened to inherent divinity and the divine, His mortal form. Walking shoulder to shoulder with divinity becomes as easy as a walk on the beach. Such a ‘walk together’ only can “leave footsteps on the sands of time”.Predominantly, witnessed throughout the poem is the interdependence between Creator and creation. Solitude helps discover, define, sustain and nurture that inseparable relationship.

Divine Accountability

In the poem, man accuses God of desertion during bad times. It is almost as if God hitched a ride during good times and ditched before the storm. Silent but loud, is the fact that man does not acknowledge God’s role in good times. Accrediting himself with success, man accuses God for failures! Despite the ungratefulness, God lovingly replies to man’s accusations. The poem leaves it to the readers to accept or reject God's commitment in seeing us through turbulent times. Subtle but strong, it reminds us how we take divine assistance for granted, attribute success to our abilities and blame Him for our inadequacies.

Habitual of approaching God with wish lists, our communication with Him, is about logistics of “asking” in order to “receive”. Our conversations with Creator are conditional and about bargains we unilaterally strike, assuming divine complicity. We relentlessly attempt to influence and bind God with ‘offers He can't refuse’. Being judgemental, comes naturally to humans. But we forget that, it is only in rough weather that man looks to God for support, often questioning Him, “why me?” or “where are you?”.

To walk with God and seek answers, one has to achieve solitude. Solitude is not a distant destination.

Loneliness to Solitude

Compelled to stay indoors and helplessly watch events unfold, one is overwhelmed by uncertainties. When apprehensions actualise and fear of the unknown overwhelms, loneliness creeps in. That’s a choice we mistakenly make because we are unaware of the inseparable connect that we have with the divinity within. We can emerge stronger and better, if we decide to go for a walk on the beach with God.

For that to happen, we have to first look back at the two pairs of footprints that celebrated life and recognise the one that carried us through our trials and tribulations. Safe in His hands, nothing is impossible. The moment we truly attempt to recognise His presence, loneliness makes way for solitude.

Times are tough.
We have survived worse.
We will survive this too. Sun will rise again.
We just need to calm our minds.

[1] Though we are accustomed to one version there are many versions of this poem.
[2] Though the author is marked as anonymous claim to authorship is heavily contested.

Monday 4 May 2020


 The Unimaginable

Storage facilities overflowing, tankers, big and small unable to unload, oil has no takers and trades in the negative. As people shut themselves in, nations count and miscount their dead, diplomacy thick with accusations and counter accusations, economies bleed, businesses flounder and livelihoods vanish, mankind stares at endless uncertainty. We have even learnt to meet and greet from behind the masks.Mankind is now engaged in a strange battle for survival.

Speculations aside, nobody knows for certain what lies ahead. But everyone agrees that in the wake of the pandemic comes unprecedented fiscal chaos, large scale lay-offs and unemployment. World wars and cold wars, put together, couldn’t shake mankind the way corona did. Not many of us could have ever imagined our lives like this. Life with corona will be the ‘new normal’.

Ides of March and The New Normal

The ‘new normal’, everyone speaks about and presupposes with certainty, is “cause and effect’ determined. No soothsayer[1] to caution, the ‘Ides of March’ changed everything for the world. We came face to face with Covid and covidian terror has permeated all walks of life. Besides affliction and death, the most hard hitting covidian manifestation is unemployment. Road to economic recovery will be slow. 

Though establishments may not repopulate employee rolls to pre-covid levels, widespread outsourcing of micro-projects to individuals could happenEntrepreneurial environment could bloom.The capable will grab and corner opportunities. 

Schooled to meet assembly line conformity and unable to adapt to the sudden shift, many will find themselves unemployed and unemployable. An education system that bulk-produced the ‘overqualified unemployable’ will soon saddle society with the jobless.

Nonlinear Minds

World over, the system of education , caters to demands of mass production. Traditional schooling conditions impressionable minds to think linearly. 

Over time, literacy has come to be known as knowledge and rating on parroted answers to oft repeated examination questions, abilities. Standard operating procedures assure expected outcomes. Experimentation and innovations unwelcome. Imaginative application could easily be reckoned as violation of entrenched methods and process. Deviations became risk laden and if unsuccessful, invited unbearable consequences.

Luckily for mankind, there were always unfettered nonlinear minds, that refused to be stifled by prescription syllabus and persevered to break the shackles of straight jacketed education. Information technology is the gift of such nonlinear minds. 

Nonlinear minds validate Moore’s law.  
Nonlinear minds set course for Future.

The Catalyst

What Covid did to Indian education nobody ever could.

Covid forced authorities to reconsider teaching methods. Children, irrespective of grades and classes, are now engaged with their teachers online. While online classes helped maintain teacher-taught contact, it inadvertently added an avoidable dimension to home-environment. Virtual schooling also denied children, ‘real’ opportunities to develop social skills, a double whammy further eroding throughput of an inefficient system

Though the current shift is incidental, cosmetic and temporary, Covid proved that the Indian education system can easily adapt to far-reaching changes if adequately stimulated. Bigger and better things are possible with the system. It took us Covid for the revelation.

Why Education?

Though evolving continuously, education has always been society-centric. The archaic education system is long overdue for reforms. Though, subject of research and intense debates, biases adding to ferocity, there can be no doubt on the fact that education must benefit the society at large. Irrespective of the time one lives in, society must pursue education as an activity to facilitate its survival and growth. Education therefore must focus on two basic aspects; ‘Value systems’ and ‘Capability building’.

Value Systems

Education must result in promoting peace, harmony, tolerance and ensure life with dignity. Value based education needs to be uniformly imparted and ingrained so as to build a just and humane society. Dignity of labour becomes ingrained.

Over time, what was once integral to the curriculum as ‘moral science’ vanished. When concern for fellow beings are not ingrained in children as an essential virtue, it eventually creates an indifferent intolerant society. Society stands to lose, short-term or long term.

Capability Building

The component meant to enable individuals and build capabilities should be imparted based on abilities and aptitude. This is where the current assembly line system, staring with kindergarten and unending even with post-graduation and doctorates grossly falls short, mostly with substandard products. Millions of over-qualified, unemployed and unemployable graduates bear testimony to the inadequacy of the current education system, one rendered meaningless by capitation and reservation-based admission.

Overqualified or Underemployed 

Possession of a minimum educational qualification is mandatory for securing a job. So, everybody strives to obtain whatever ‘degrees’ possible by whichever means possible. Since there is no upper limit of education stipulated for disqualification, it is not uncommon to find a postgraduate concierge or a clerk with doctorate. While no one can object to any one studying, as much as one wants, it should not be at the cost of the society. It is pertinent to understand that, for the society, creating an unemployable population or employing overqualified people is a negative investment. While basic education must be the fundamental right of every citizen, every citizen should not be forced to pursue higher education just for the sake of a job.

Competency Based Education

Since determining aptitude could easily become subjective and therefore prone to manipulation while being administered, primary and secondary level education must be made compulsory so that all members of the society can read, write and comprehend. Even today maximum number of jobs are such that it can easily and efficiently be done by those with secondary level education. Is there a need for an engineering graduate to man a machine or sell a policy? 

Denying eligibility to anyone with higher than required qualification to jobs will reduce pressure on avenues for higher education. Higher education must be competency-based because the society needs to invest in this category chart its way forward.  Curriculum at higher levels must also provide the flexibility of choice and timing to the one who pursues it, unlike the set piece combinations now in vogue.

Socio-political Compulsions

Political requirements would dictate differential treatment to those from underprivileged socio-economic backgrounds. To fulfill such socio-political requirements, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds could be educated at state expenses provided, they meet all parameters of competence. As such making education free and compulsory up to secondary levels would take care of lot of issues.

The future

Covid has forced us to review our education system. It and revealed to us that we can bring about changes if required. If a virus can impact us so much, sky is the limit for collective human will.

[1] Soothsayer who warned Julius Caesar about the impending tragedy that would strike him on the ‘Ides of March’