Monday, 13 March 2023

The Perfect Script - The Journey Ends

A journey is defined neither by distances nor destinations. Intentions with which it started, the road taken, pace at which it progressed, the stopovers, fellow travellers, experiences enroute, impact on the traveller and the impact the traveller has on his fellow travellers and many such other aspects define a journey. A journey, truly is about the process; the preparations, shine, rain, challenges and turbulence enroute, the joys and sorrows involved. Much like the ascent to a mountain top culminates in commencement of the descent, for no one ever stayed at the  summit till eternity, journey once commenced must end even if it is seemingly static. Even if everything else is static, time will fly.

Life is a one way journey that commences with birth and ends with death. Plainly put, it is the time that separates death from birth. Once born, we must all die. Emperors, Kings, Pharaohs, Autocrats,  Dictators, in fact every man and woman on the planet, powerful or powerless,  rich or poor,  significant or insignificant, and every living thing must conform to this law. No one has ever defied this law and in all likelihood it shall remain so. Nothing whatsoever of the traveller physically remains barring some belongings that someone may fight over or may not even bother to look at. That too becomes somebody else's soon. But that doesn't affect the traveller who has disappeared after completing the journey. 


If there is anything eternal about life, it exists only in the realm of the faith we profess. Not even the most exquisite memorial can ensure eternal remembrance of any human being. Emperors, kings and despots despite their best efforts to remain immortal have failed. They, like lesser mortals, will  also fade into oblivion. Then why such fuss about the journey?

Imagine a journey where other travellers look for you, eager to travel with you, to experience your company and partake in your experience. Such a journey is one worth undertaking. The story of such a traveller is likely to be retold by fellow travellers. Such stories pass on from generation to generation extending the longevity of that journey even in the absence of the traveller. Consider the journey of a traveller who never comes across anyone, avoids others, works to be of no relevance to anyone and has none relevant to him or her.  He or she also travels but on a lonely insignificant journey. Of significance only to themselves, many amongst us actually are on such lonely journeys with a facade of significance. Look around; we may find many on such wretched  journeys. 

Look within to find for yourself the significance of your own journey.  By birth each one of us sets out on a journey fully equipped to make it memorable, but many go astray. Fortunately, even if we have hit the wrong path, course correction is possible. All journeys, however  good, bad, trying or  easy, once commenced will have to end. Since destinations are known and we have the freedom to make the journey beautiful, why not earnestly attempt?

Books are similar. Though physical boundaries of the written work are dictated by its covers, neither covers nor the thickness between the covers ever defined a book. Physical beauty of the book least defines it. The idea, intended message, narrative, narration and its relevance at the time it is read defines the book and determines its longevity. More congruent the idea with that of the reader and friendly the narration, easier it is to associate, assimilate and internalise it. In most cases if the book represents what we want to say and could not, we instinctively fall in love with it. In such books, we often find some character that may be a true reflection of ourselves. No wonder, why written works have immensely influenced humanity. Once in the hands of a reader the author, having done his or her work, is not even an observer. What goes beyond the covers is only the story within.  

We too are like that. Our life too, physically exists only between the two covers called birth and death. What can go beyond the two is only the narrative we create during our lifetime, longevity depending on how relevant we as a story has been to the ones around. The more relevant we become to those not directly associated with us, the longer is our story likely to propagate. Salvation and rebirth are concepts that reside in the realm of one's belief system. One doesn't stand to realise it in this life for salvation comes after death. Whether we as individuals can realise if we have attained salvation or not after our death is also a matter of belief. salvation notwithstanding, we have a choice of making ourselves immortal by scripting the current narrative of our existence appropriately. Such scripts go well beyond time. It is about such scripts that people naturally say, "once upon a time there was…". The story once commenced, unfortunately has to move forward in time. Yes; it can make amends ahead but can't go back in pages or time to erase and rewrite.

We are on a one way  journey, scripting a story for a book that is racing towards completion.

If life was so simple, why do people grieve when they lose someone dear? Billions have lived before us and died. Most of us would have experienced the departure of someone very close sometime in our journey. We all grieve. But sooner than later, we all have come to terms with the loss, in our own way and then get on with our own journey.  The severity of the impact surrounding loss is dictated by how it impacts our physical existence. Loss of a breadwinner impacts the dependents intensely at least in the short term. But soon those left behind find ways and means of existence. The impact on the emotional wellbeing could linger longer, depending on the coping mechanism of those grieving. Most recover over time while some inadequately equipped to cope tend to moor themselves to the loss, laying waste a chance to script a beautiful narrative. The more we focus on the loss, the more intense the pain and longer the effect. There are many  coping mechanisms. The easiest one is to celebrate the life of the departed rather than focusing on the departure.

A story without an end and journey without destination is yet to be created. We don't know how far our destination is. It could be nearer than we think. There are no rehearsals and retakes in this journey or scripts. Let us commit ourselves to making this journey memorable and a story that generations pass on.


  1. Life explained in simple words. GREAT reading. Continue sharing your thoughts

    1. Thank you very much. Actually many things considered sublime are really simple .

  2. Brilliant summary of the truth of existence with an analogy that is easily understood. The military man has immense wisdom which is beautifully presented. Thanks

  3. Very philosophical. As we anxiously wait for the story to unfold while reading a book which motivates us to turn to the next page life must be seen that way. No one thinks of the destination death though most are afraid of it it’s the anxiety how life will unfold for an individual which makes him ambitious, greedy or laid back and that’s the fun of the journey called life. No one needs to feel ashamed of their deeds during the journey as each individual is trying to script his own story

    1. Thank you very much. We all are on individual journeys but seem to think that we define destiny of others. Then the fear of death itself is one factor that we become greedy.

  4. People lived years ago were like us only ,wanting to live for ever .The creater has made every one unique attached with varying degrees of difficulties. He made separate routes for each one to reach his destination. Man is born selfish and will die so .In our journey to eternity,it will be nice if we can help someone to come along or draw a roadmap for others to follow our course .So we must do what we enjoy and enjoy what we do .It was a very thought provoking article sir and you excelled in energizing our sensory organs.

    1. Thank you very much. Yes we are selfish but if only people realised that their selfish drives could be at some one else's cost

  5. Good one Jacob....Yes, we start as an empty white sheet, and over time, learn the alphabets, words, paras and then write our stories....Unlike a story, what is written cannot be changed, but yes, we can read it again, and then mould and steer the next set of sentences, based on the lessons learnt from that. The best lived life is possibly the one, where a few pages of that story will be read by many, as they create theirs, and then shape those, via the lessons learnt from our story! We are thus the Producers, Actors, Directors, Script Writers, Song Writers, and Musicians, of that rich fiction 😊

  6. A beautifully written article about life and death, the journey we all undertake from our birth to death.

    No one can tell the actual meaning of life. For some it is happiness, building a happy family and for many others, it is leading the life as it’s or it is all about love. On the other hand, death is a precondition of the continuity of life.

    As you rightly brought out, death is the most inevitable part of life.

  7. A well written article on life, highlighting the way one needs to understand the importance of human life and how to make impressions in the minds of people around us. Thanks a lot sir.
