Sunday 18 August 2013


Dad, me, you just don’t try to understand
Desperate my daughter, as the situation, I try to understand
Against me in my way, why I find you, I don’t understand
World’s ways at least now, you need to understand

Those little frowns and smiles, I could understand
Without words, your needs I could always understand
Fleeting time I feel, I failed to understand
My little girl, a charming lady, I didn’t understand

Your little eyes, once I could always read and understand
Angels and demons, your dreams, then I could understand
Clinging to my chest, your sleep I could easily understand
Your need to be cuddled, by looks I could then understand

You were trying to walk, I could easily understand
Why I had to hold you always, never fully I could understand
You were just teething, from books I could understand
Why night long your mom and I cried, I still don’t understand

It was just a passing fever, from the doc, I could understand
Why your mom and I couldn’t sleep, I still don’t understand
You, with your friends were out just to play, I could understand
Your absence short, why our concern grave, I still don’t understand

You, our dream come true, I do understand
Why you cloud all our thoughts, I don’t understand
Why we interfere so much, I don’t understand
May be, it’s our love that you don’t understand

Your curls and perms, in my own way I do understand
Your slang and tastes, though weird I do understand
Your distance from me, now I don’t understand
Your silence, once crystal clear, now I just don’t understand

Clinging to me you always stood, why, I then could understand
Holding you, my swelling pride I then could understand
Why you hold your friends so dear, now I don’t understand
May be, it’s the generation gap that I fail to understand

Once my parents, me, I felt never did understand
My needs and deeds, they just couldn’t understand
Their reasons and logic, I just couldn’t understand
Ways of the world, I felt, they just couldn’t understand

For once, my girl, now I truly understand
Them and their love, now I truly understand
Thanks to my daughter, now I truly understand

Life’s cycle, my girl, now I truly understand

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